Sunday, August 12, 2007

Lava Lamp

Does anyone have a lava lamp?

We have a great one that Susan found in a garage sale three years ago. It's hooked up to come on anytime the bedroom light is on. I find it very entertaining.

Sometimes, it begins by generating dozens of stalactites. Other times it begins with columns of bubbles, starting small, rising and falling.

Ours is red gel in a clear liquid. I think everybody should have one!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

These girls really do get into their birthday cakes. We had to douse that candle so Myra could work on the cake.Check out this sophisticated candle lighting outfit....

Chocolate Cookie Cake

I like the "blowing out the candles" pictures. When I saw that Bethany was blurred in the first one, I had her do it again. My timing just wasn't on. This chocolate cake with its cookie decorations went fast!