- Ida Charlie ("aunt Ida")
- Lector Leon ("aunt Leon")
- Parmellia Zell ("aunt Zell")
- Augusta Aaron ("aunt 'Gusty'")
- Essie Elizabeth ("aunt Essie")
- Eutha Lee ("aunt Euthy")
and her brothers:
- Curtis McCurry ("uncle Mac")
- Ransom Lawrence ("uncle Lawrence")
- John Robert ("JR")
- Dunaway (died at a young age).
I'm sitting beside her bed at St. Michael's hospital. When I asked her to tell me her sister's names, she refused at first. I have always found their names interesting.
Mother has always been very sensitive about her name. She's insulted when someone assumes that "Clay" is a man's name. (I haven't put her other name here, though she probably wouldn't know unless I told her.)
Do you have any interesting names in your family?
My Grandma Moss has interesting names in her family. She was Deffie Matilda, and her sister was Bessye Belle until she changed it to Bessye Dell. My Grandmother Brown's name was Mattie Mozelle. They had already picked out the Mattie (she was named after her grandmother) and were looking at other names. Grandmother's brother, who had come home from WWI in France, told them that they call the girls in France "Mattie Mozelle" (mademoiselle)!
Mom couldn't really blame Aunt Bessye for changing her middle name. She said Bessye Belle sounded like a cow. :-)
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